Now Streaming
How to Change the World—Theories and Practices
Refresh and expand your activism in this six session online seminar—taught and filmed at Bard College by Micah White and Chiara Ricciardone.
Why Do Protests Fail?
Understanding why protests fail will equip you to create positive social change. Symposium features Alicia Garza, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter, Dr. Lenora Fulani, the first woman to run for President and get on the ballot in all 50 states, and Souta Calling Last, founder of Indigenous Vision.
Housing Justice Activism and Protest: Past, Present and Future
This online course—taught and filmed at UCLA—examines the housing crisis through the lens of housing justice. Learn from activists and academics at the cutting-edge of housing justice activism.
What is the Future of Activism?
Get a glimpse of where activism is going with this symposium featuring Jason Russell, the creator of Kony2012, Evan Wolfson, the architect of Freedom to Marry movement, Ananya Roy, leading theorist of housing justice, and Micah White, co-creator of Occupy Wall Street.
Challenging Activism
What is an activist and what does it take to be an activist? A series of guest lectures that challenge activists to go deeper, featuring John Zerzan, Nathan Schneider, Beka Economopoulos, and Roberto Castillo.
Rupturing Tradition
Rupturing Tradition is an online graduate seminar on Classics and Activism taught at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in the Humanities at Princeton then disseminated to activists and scholars worldwide via Activist Graduate School.
What is Activist School?
Online school for activists taught by leading activists.
Entirely online: study-at-your-pace.
No college degree necessary.
Course Sample:
The Ladder of Clarity
Evan Wolfson’s advice for aspiring activists
Evan Wolfson
Teaches Strategy
Evan Wolfson founded Freedom to Marry, the campaign that won same-sex marriage nationwide. He served as president through its epic victory in June 2015 until its closing in early 2016. Wolfson has been named a Distinguished Visitor from Practice at Georgetown Law Center, teaching law and social change. Widely acknowledged to be the architect of the movement that won the freedom to marry in the United States, Wolfson has received many awards.