How do we change the world?
Activist Graduate School is changing the world by empowering a new generation of critical activists. Our foundational seminar at Bard College, "How to Change the World: Theories and Practice," was an intense experience... as you'll soon be able see for yourself! Activists everywhere can take the online version of the course starting in January 2019.
Where do we go from here?
Next semester, we head to Los Angeles to film a specialized course on Housing Justice Activism, in collaboration with UCLA's Institute on Inequality and Democracy.
We dream of combining rigorous seminars with inspiring lectures by the world's leading social-change creators, to create a storehouse of powerful knowledge-for-change that anyone can access.
How can I help?
The world needs change—and we need you. Your gift right now enables us to gather the wisdom of the world's most influential activists—and share it with people everywhere who want to change their communities.
Thank you for your generous donation!